Página dedicada a Maulana Sheik Nazim al-Haqqani al-Rabbani y a Sheik Mehmet Al-Haqqani An-Naqshbandi. Maestros de la Muy distinguida Orden Sufi Naqshbandi. Más información en: http://saltanat.org/ y http://www.sufilive.com/ Información sobre la Orden Sufi Naqshbandi en Sevilla y Tomares: elbuscadordeperlasrosadas@gmail.com
Good night thank you Sufismo Sevilla for poem of Rumi,deep word of knowledge a each new day in jorney in earth, in sea is sweet emotion ,learning with simplicity hear word on moment ,feel on heart on sea of heaven a life renew on season win sense and understand Thank you
Good night thank you Sufismo Sevilla for
ResponderEliminarpoem of Rumi,deep word of knowledge
a each new day in jorney in earth,
in sea is sweet emotion ,learning with simplicity
hear word on moment ,feel on heart on sea of heaven
a life renew on season win sense and understand
Thank you